Mercedes-Benz Foto- & Videoproduktion


Seit Anfang des Jahres dürfen wir die Eventreihe „Fashion Moments“ von Mercedes-Benz professionell begleiten – ein Projekt, das uns viel Freude bereitet!
In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem tollen Team unseres Kunden, Schoeller & von Rehlingen PR, das die gesamte Organisation der Events auf höchstem Niveau realisiert hat, konnten wir spannende und vielseitige Programme festhalten.

Videodreh im Berliner Studio

Videodreh im Berliner Studio

Wir hatten das Vergnügen, für unseren Kunden Moss ein hochwertiges Business Talk Format, in unserem Berliner Studio, zu produzieren

Habeck & Wissing für Deloitte

Robert Habeck

Für unseren Kunden Deloitte haben wir die Messerundgänge der Bundesminister Robert Habeck und Volker Wissing begleitet.

Latvian Success Story

The Latvian Success Story – Im Februar waren wir in Riga und in der lettischen Natur unterwegs, um für unseren Kunden Veridos, Luft- & Landschaftsaufnahmen zu produzieren.

Food Photography

Food Photography Berlin

With the start of the new year, we are delighted to announce an inspiring partnership with freshfoodz, a pioneering company that has revolutionized the way we think about food sustainability.

GRAND Presentation


We have finally managed to present all our services in a new brochure. Some of our customers don't even know how extensive our photography and video production services are.

DIOR – Timelapse-Video

Timelaps Video Berlin

The entire shop window in front of KaDeWe was replaced in a single night. We immortalized this impressive process in a high-quality timelapse video.

IFA Trade Fair Photography & Video Production


We are your competent partner for trade fair photography, video production and live streams at the IFA. In this blog post you will find out why you should commission us to document your trade fair stand at the IFA.

Live Stream Production

Livestream Produktion

We realized another live stream production for our customer IBMiX. We rented the Spreegraphen Studios for this purpose. We set up there for several days and rehearsed intensively. The presentations and processes continued to improve during rehearsals.

Sony Alpha Days

Sony_Alpha Days

The Sony Alpha Days are all about giving ambitious amateur photographers tips and showing them how professional photographers work. In this case, Franzi and Martin were asked to create a concept in which we explain how we film and photograph with the Sony cameras.