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A professional image video is indispensable for every company. With an image film, you have the opportunity to present your company 24 hours a day on all channels.

In an image film production, we take a close look at you, your topic and your target group to develop a customized video concept. 

What sets us apart from our competitors is our high degree of flexibility, years of experience and unique visual language.

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Why an image film?

An image video that presents the content and values of your company in a few minutes (or even seconds) is essential in today's world. We all know how important it is to present your company online. You increases the brand awareness and by gaining an insight into the company's content and philosophy, you create a imagethat the target group can identify with. Online presence enables transparency in the way your company works and the values it represents, and thus builds a solid foundation for the future. base of trust for potential clients.

However, an image film is not just any old video. If it is well made, it conveys a emotional mood, that engages your target group and remains in their best memory.

Especially for companies with high competitive pressure, it is not only about listing facts about the products or services, but also about creating sympathy and the benevolence of the target group to win. This is how you can effectively and stylishly assert yourself against your competitors.

Image videos are also a real all-rounder. You can use them in a variety of ways: whether on the website, on social media, in the newsletter, in advertising campaigns, at events & trade fairs or other presentation options.

Incidentally, moving images are also much more effective than text. We humans automatically pay more attention to movement. Combined with suitable music, videos have the power to put us in the right mood and become firmly anchored in our memory.

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What makes a good image video?

An image film provides general information about your company, but also about your corporate philosophy and your values in a compact and entertaining way. With a good storyline and a suitable visual style , your target group is also addressed (usually subconsciously) on an emotional level and thus develops sympathy for your company more quickly.

So it's not just the content topics (such as products or services) that are important. The way how the content is conveyed is also crucial for a successful corporate video. 

Aesthetics are just as important as authenticity and clear positioning in order to reach the right target group.

Speaking of the right target group: for a convincing corporate film, it is essential to analyze in advance exactly what makes your target group tick and to take this information into account in every further step of the video production. Also, the corporate identity should be woven into the video to create a recognition effect.

What should be avoided at all costs with image films?

As image films are often the first impression that customers get of your company, the highest level of professionalism in production is absolutely essential. A poorly produced video will leave a lasting negative impression and will severely undermine trust in your company. After all, the image video is the figurehead of your company and your customers' trust is based on the information and impressions they receive from your company.

Skimping on the image film could therefore have fatal consequences.

It is just as important to consider the target group precisely: without intensive target group analysis, you will address the wrong people with your video and have spent far too much money for disappointingly little success.

As a video agency, it is therefore our job to produce your image film well and thoughtfully from the ground up. This includes a well-founded concept,also - based on content and aesthetic aspects - a film production and a professional post-productionthat results in your customized image film. This well thought-out process crowns your company's self-presentation with maximum success.

Imagefilme sind eine kraftvolle Möglichkeit, Dein Image in Bewegung darzustellen und einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Wir sind Experten in der Erstellung von Imagefilmen und setzen uns dafür ein, Dein Image optimal zu präsentieren.

Ein starkes Image verdient eine professionelle Darstellung. Unsere erfahrenen Videografen verstehen die Bedeutung eines kohärenten und ansprechenden Images. Wir erfassen die Essenz Deiner Marke und vermitteln sie auf ansprechende Weise.

Egal, ob Du ein etabliertes Unternehmen oder eine aufstrebende Marke bist, unsere Imagefilme sind maßgeschneidert, um Deine Botschaft effektiv zu vermitteln. Wir arbeiten eng mit Dir zusammen, um Deine Vision und Werte in ansprechenden Filmen zu repräsentieren.

Unsere Imagefilme zeichnen sich durch kreative Gestaltung und Storytelling aus. Wir erzählen die Geschichte Deiner Marke oder Deines Unternehmens auf eine Weise, die die Zuschauer inspiriert und in Erinnerung bleibt. So stärken wir Dein Image und Deine Verbindung zur Zielgruppe.

Unsere Imagefilme können in vielfältigen Kontexten eingesetzt werden, von Marketingkampagnen und Präsentationen bis hin zu Social-Media-Plattformen. Wir bieten Dir die Möglichkeit, Deine Marke oder Dein Unternehmen auf innovative und wirkungsvolle Weise zu präsentieren.